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What Is Cough

Cough is a symptom, not a disease, Bronchitis is a forceful release of air from the lung it is sudden and often involuntary. The cough reflex is the best defense mechanism one of the body.

A physiologically useful protective reflex that clears the respiratory tract of the accumulated mucus and foreign substance.

To ensure the removal of a noxious substance, mucus and infectious organisms from the larynx, trachea and large bronchi.

Cough is an explosive expiratory maneuver that is reflexively or deliberately intended to clear the airways.

cough bacteria Did you know about cough ( Bronchitis ) and their treatment & causes ?


Common cold, influenza and other viral infection.

  • Environment pollution.
  • Airway Hyperresponsiveness.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Lungs infection such as pneumonia or acute bronchitis.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Upper respiratory infection.
  • Smoking.
  • Drug induced-ACE inhibitors, Beta blocker.
  • Posterior nasal discharge/drip.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Congestive heart failure.
  • Lung disease such as bronchiectasis, interstitial, lung disease, or tumor.


Non-productive-This is also called as a dry cough. There won’t be any mucus or purulent discharge from the respiratory tract along with the cough.

In this, whenever a person coughs him or her finding difficulty in breathing. The dry cough produces more noise as compared to the productive cough i.e. cough with discharge.

Productive Cough- As the name suggests, the cough with same discharge whether purulent or non-purulent or phlegm is considered to be a productive cough. The color of the product may vary from person to person and condition to condition.

It would be white, yellow or bloody, which is dangerous indicating some serious problem. All the time the person feels that the throat is getting irritated and needs something expelling out, which will not give any better result though.

Cough can be either acute subacute chronic:-

  • The acute cough usually being suddenly and are often due to a cold, flu, or sinus infection
  • Subacute cough last 3-8weeks.
  • Chronic cough lasts longer than 8 weeks.
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The mechanism of Bronchitis can be divided into four phases.

  1. Irritation phases.
  2. Inspiration phases.
  3. Compression phases.
  4. Expression phases.
  5. Phase of irritation- Irritation one of the sensory vagus nerve in larynx trachea, large bronchi. afferent fibers from the pharyngeal branch glossopharyngeal nerve can cause coughing.
  6. Phase of inspiration- Inspiration occurs in the quick, so as air quickly and in large quantities into the lungs.

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The entry of air into the lung by the number of loss of benefits that will strengthen the expiratory phase resulting in faster and stronger and reduce the air cavity is closed so as to produce a potential cleaning mechanism. In the inspiration phase of the glottis is wide open due to reflex muscles contraction.

  • Phase of compression- This phase being with the closing of the glottis due to contraction of the adductors muscles arytenoid cartilage, glottis close to 0.2second.

Coughing can occurs without glottis closure because of expiratory muscles to increase intrathoracic pressure although the glottis remains open.

  • Phase of expression- In this phase, the glottis opens sudden due to active compression or expiratory muscles so there was spending a large amount of air. High speed accompanied by spending foreign object and other material.


  1. History Taking
  2. Physical Examination.
  3. Bronchoscope or laryngoscope
  4. Lung Scan.
  5. Pulmonary function test.
  6. Sputum analysis (if the cough produce sputum)
  7. X-ray of the chest.
  8. End bronchial or transbronchial biopsy.


Treatment of cough generally involves addressing the condition causing

ANTITUSSIVES- An antitussive is a drug used to relieve coughing. Antitussive depresses the cough center located in the medulla and is called centrally acting drug.

Antitussive is used to relive a nonproductive cough. Codein and dextromethorphan are examples of centrally acting antitussive.

EXPECTORANT- Expectorant help bring up mucus when patients have congestion in the chest and it is not cleared with the cough. These are the most useful when the patient has a wet non-productive cough. Guaifenesin is an expectorant.

It may be useful in the symptomatic relief of dry, nonproductive cough and in the presence of mucus in the respiratory tract.

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BRONCHODILATORS- Bronchodilators are used to relax the smooth muscles that surround the bronchioles and allow the breathing tubes to dilate and allow more air flow.

 The short-acting bronchodilators include the albuterol, theophylline and anticholinergic agent, ipratropium bromide. The long-acting agent includes salmeterol, formoterol, and tiotropium.

cough 3 Did you know about cough ( Bronchitis ) and their treatment & causes ?

NEBULIZED LOCAL ANESTHESIA- Nebulized local anesthesia can reduce dyspnea in some patient particularly those with bilateral diffuse disease lymphangitis.

TOPICAL TREATMENT- Coughing can be treated with topical medication which may be used to include such essential oils as menthol or eucalyptus or camphor.

This topical treatment is rubbed into the chest and the vapors from the medication are then inhaled and enter into the respiratory tract

Not only do these vapors help soothe the lining of the respiratory tract, but they also help loosen any mucus in the lung, making it easier for the mucus to be expelled from the lungs.


This is a very common problem which generally occurs along with the common cold. It is a type of irritation that occurs in the throat. It is not a serious disease if you ignored so it can cause big damage to your body.

Do you know? it can be treated by some home remedies .now  am share with you some home remedies for cough.

  1. Ginger
  2. Turmeric
  3. Grapes
  4. Onion
  5. Orange juice
  6. Almond
  7. Black paper
  8. Raisins


It is a very common remedy that usually used in Indian home for the treatment of cough. Ginger is also an effective remedy for bronchitis.

How to make ginger syrup- Take a ½ tablespoon of a paste of fresh ginger and mix it in ½ tablespoon of paper powder. Now add both honey and vinegar in equal amount to it. Add 2-3 tablespoon of water and leave it as it is for some time.

How to take ginger Syrup- Take this syrup 2-3-times of day.


Use the root of the turmeric plant for the treatment of dry cough.

How to make turmeric powder- Roast the root and grind it prepare power.

How to take turmeric powder- Take 3 grams of this power daily as it is the excellent home remedy for cough.


Raw onion act as an effective home remedy for coughing.

How to make onion juice – Take an onion and chopped it fine and extract juice from it. Mix a teaspoon of honey in a teaspoon of that juice.

How to take onion juice- Take this decoction two times a day for a few days.

4) Grapes-

Grapes are helpful to tone up the lung. It is also an expectorant that easily relives the cough.

How to make grapes juice – In a cup of grapes, juice adds a teaspoon of honey.

How to take grapes juice- Now drink this decoction for a couple of days as it is a wonderful home remedy for cough.

5) Almond (Badam)

Those who are suffering from dry cough can get relief from almond.

How To Make Almond – Soak some kernel in water and leaves it overnight. Next morning remove the brown skin from soaked almonds. Grinds them well to prepare a fine paste. Add 20 grams of both butter and sugar to the paste.

How To Take Almonds Paste- Take this paste both in the morning and in the evening.

6)Black Paper

Black paper is known in the medical world for helping the blockage of the chest.

How To Make Black Paper – Take the 2-3 seed of black paper and chew it properly. Those who are unable to bear the bitter taste of paper can take with a glass of warm milk.

7) Orange Juice

Those who are suffering from severe coughing can get benefit from orange juice.

How to make orange juice- This take a cup of orange juice mixed with a cup of warm water.

How to take orange juice- Take at the gap of every two hours between 8 pm.


How to make raisin- Take 100 grams of raisins and crush them with water. Now add 100 grams of sugar in it. Put this mixture over flam. After some time mixture will change in sauce like liquid. Now 20, grams of this sauce should be taken at night before going to bed daily to get relief from dry cough.

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